How Do Dogs Get Worms & Dog Worm Home Remedies

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Written By swipets

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Dogs can get worms by contacting infected feces or contaminated soil or ingesting infected animals. Some effective dog worm home remedies include feeding your dog a low-starch diet, using garlic as a natural dewormer, and incorporating fiber-rich fruits and vegetables like carrots, beetroot, and papaya.

These natural remedies can help prevent and manage dog worm infestations without needing pharmaceutical dewormers. Following these simple steps can help keep your dog healthy and free from worms.

How Do Dogs Get Worms & Dog Worm Home Remedies

How Do Dogs Get Worms

Dogs can get worms through various means, such as ingesting contaminated food or water, contacting infected feces or soil, or through fleas or other parasites. Natural home remedies for dog worms include feeding them a low-starch diet, using garlic as an effective dewormer, and incorporating fiber-rich fruits and vegetables like carrots and papaya.

Common Ways Dogs Get Worms

Dogs can get worms through various means, most commonly through:

  • Ingesting contaminated soil or feces: Dogs may come into contact with worm-infested soil or feces while playing in the yard, during walks, or at dog parks. When they sniff or lick the ground, they can inadvertently swallow worm eggs or larvae.
  • Eating infected prey or carcasses: Dogs with a strong prey drive may catch and consume small rodents, birds, or other animals that are carriers of worms. This can introduce the worms into their system.
  • Ingesting contaminated water: If your dog drinks from puddles, stagnant water sources, or contaminated streams, they may consume worm eggs or larvae.
  • Breast milk: Puppies can acquire worms from their mother’s milk if she is infected. To minimize the risk of transmitting worms to the puppies, it is crucial to deworm mother dogs before and during pregnancy.
  • Transplacental transmission: Some worms, such as roundworms, can be transmitted to puppies while inside the mother’s womb.

Risk Factors For Dogs Getting Worms

Several factors can increase a dog’s susceptibility to getting worms:

  • Age: Puppies are more vulnerable to worms as their immune systems are still developing. They may also have incomplete deworming treatments in the younger generation.
  • Living environment: Dogs that spend a significant amount of time outdoors, especially in areas with high parasite populations, have a higher risk of worm infestation.
  • Exposure to other infected animals: Dogs interacting with stray or infected animals, such as at shelters or dog daycare facilities, are more likely to contract worms.
  • Poor hygiene: Dogs not regularly groomed, have dirty living conditions, or are not kept clean may be at increased risk.
  • Lack of preventive measures: Dogs not regularly dewormed or given preventative treatments, such as monthly oral or topical medications, are more susceptible to worm infestation.
  • Reduced immunity: Dogs with weakened immune systems, such as those with underlying health conditions or undergoing medical treatments, may be more prone to worm infestation.

Prevention Of Worm Infestation In Dogs

To prevent worm infestation in dogs, it is essential to take proactive measures:

  • Regular veterinary check-ups: Schedule regular visits to the veterinarian for comprehensive examinations, fecal tests, and preventive treatments. Your vet can recommend appropriate deworming medications based on your dog’s age, lifestyle, and risk factors.
  • Proper hygiene: Maintain cleanliness in your dog’s living environment. Regularly clean their bedding, eliminate feces promptly, and practice good hand hygiene after handling your dog or cleaning up after them.
  • Prevent contact with infected animals: Minimize your dog’s exposure to stray or infected animals. Avoid letting them socialize with animals of unknown health status.
  • Strict parasite control: Use FDA-approved deworming products specifically designed for dogs. Administer deworming treatments as your veterinarian recommends to prevent and control worm infestation.
  • Regularly clean and sanitize water bowls: Wash water bowls daily to prevent the accumulation of bacteria or parasites that may contaminate the water.
  • Practice proper waste management: Always dispose of your dog’s feces properly, especially in public areas, to prevent the spread of worms to other animals.
  • Maintain a healthy diet: Provide a balanced and nutritious diet that supports your dog’s immune system. A healthy immune system can help fend off potential worm infections.
How Do Dogs Get Worms & Dog Worm Home Remedies

Dog Worm Home Remedies

Are you looking for dog worm home remedies? Dogs can get worms through various means, but there are natural solutions you can try. Including a low-starch diet and incorporating garlic can help manage and prevent worm infestations in dogs.


Natural Remedies For Managing Worms In Dogs

One of the best ways to manage worms in dogs is through natural remedies. These remedies are not only practical but also safe for your furry friend. Here are a few natural remedies you can try:

Fruits And Vegetables As Natural Dewormers

Fruits and vegetables are not only beneficial for humans but also for dogs. They can act as natural dewormers and help eliminate worms from your dog’s system. Some fruits and vegetables that you can include in your dog’s diet are:

  • Carrots
  • Beetroot
  • Banana
  • Apple
  • Coconut
  • Papaya

These fiber-rich options can help bulk the stools and expel the worms from your dog’s body. You can consider giving your dog healthy treats with these fruits and vegetables to ensure they get the necessary nutrition while managing worms naturally.

Home Remedies For Deworming Dogs Without Vet Prescription

Not everyone has easy access to a veterinarian or wants to use prescription medications for deworming their dogs. In such cases, home remedies can be an effective alternative. Here are a few home remedies you can try:

  1. Garlic: Garlic is safe for dogs when given in moderation. It is effective for managing giardia and works well for roundworms and hookworms.
  2. Pumpkin seeds: Grinding pumpkin seeds and adding them to your dog’s food can help eliminate worms from their system.
  3. Coconut oil: Adding a small amount to your dog’s food can help kill parasites and improve their overall digestion.
  4. Diatomaceous earth: This fine powder can help kill worms by dehydrating them. Make sure to use a food-grade diatomaceous world and follow the recommended dosage.

Note: It’s important to consult your veterinarian before trying home remedies or starting any new treatment for your dog. They can provide personalized advice based on your dog’s specific needs.


Treating Worms In Dogs

Are you concerned about worms in dogs? Learn about how dogs get worms and discover effective home remedies. Ensure your dog’s diet is low in starches, consider natural options like garlic, and incorporate fiber-rich fruits and vegetables into their meals.

Deworming Medications Recommended By Veterinarians

When treating worms in dogs, veterinarians often prescribe certain deworming medications. These medications specifically target different types of worms that may infest dogs. Some common deworming medications recommended by veterinarians include:

  1. Panacur C Canine Dewormer
  2. Nemex 2
  3. Safe-Guard Canine Dewormer

These medications are highly effective in eliminating worms from a dog’s system. However, following your veterinarian’s dosage instructions is crucial to ensuring proper treatment.

Regular Stool Testing For Puppies

Regular stool testing is essential, especially for puppies. Puppies are more susceptible to worm infestations due to their underdeveloped immune systems. By conducting standard stool tests, veterinarians can detect the presence of worms or worm eggs in the puppy’s feces. This allows for early detection and timely treatment.

If you have a new puppy, scheduling regular visits to the veterinarian for stool testing is recommended. This will help keep your puppy healthy and prevent any potential risks associated with worm infestations.

Preparing For And Managing Worm Infestation As A Dog Parent

As a responsible dog parent, it is crucial to be well-prepared for worm infestations and know how to manage them effectively. Here are some tips to help you in this regard:

  • Keep your dog’s living area clean and maintain good hygiene practices to minimize the risk of worm infestations.
  • Ensure regular deworming of your dog as per the veterinarian’s recommendations.
  • Feed your dog a balanced and nutritious diet to support their immune system and overall health.
  • Monitor your dog’s behavior and look for any signs of worm infestation, such as weight loss, diarrhea, or a bloated abdomen.
  • Consult your veterinarian for preventive measures and additional recommendations to protect your dog from worms.

Following these guidelines and staying proactive can effectively manage worm infestations and keep your furry friend healthy and worm-free.

Treating worms in dogs requires a combination of veterinary care, regular check-ups, and adherence to recommended treatment protocols. Always consult your veterinarian before starting any home remedies or medications, as they will provide the best guidance based on your dog’s specific needs.

How Do Dogs Get Worms & Dog Worm Home Remedies

Frequently Asked Questions Of How Do Dogs Get Worms & Dog Worm Home Remedies

What Can I Give My Dog For Worms At Home?

You can give your dog veggies like carrots, beetroot, banana, apple, coconut, and papaya at home. These fruits and vegetables are rich in fiber and act as natural dewormers. Including them in your dog’s diet through healthy dog treats can benefit their overall health.

What Is A Natural Worm Killer For Dogs?

A natural dog worm killer can be vegetables and fruits like pumpkin, carrots, sweet potatoes, apples, and papaya. These foods contain high fiber levels that help eliminate worms by increasing stool bulk. Feeding your dog a couple of these daily options can promote overall health.

What Is The Fastest Way To Get Rid Of Worms In Dogs?

To get rid of worms in dogs, consult your veterinarian for deworming medications and preventive measures. Regular stool testing is essential, especially for puppies. Additionally, feed your dog a low starch diet and consider natural remedies like garlic and fiber-rich fruits and vegetables.

Can I Treat My Dog For Worms Without Going To The Vet?

You can temporarily treat your dog for worms at home, but it’s best to visit a vet for proper medication and ongoing treatment. Natural remedies like carrots, beetroot, apple, and papaya can be natural dewormers. Make sure to provide a low-starch diet and consult a vet for the most effective treatment.


To keep your furry friend healthy and worm-free, it is essential to understand how dogs get worms and explore dog worm home remedies. By implementing a low starch diet, incorporating natural dewormers like garlic, and including fiber-rich vegetables and fruits in their diet, you can effectively manage and prevent worm infestations in dogs.

These natural remedies promote overall health and provide a safe and effective alternative to traditional deworming medications. Remember, a healthy diet and regular vet check-ups are key to maintaining your dog’s well-being. These simple yet effective dog-worm home remedies keep your furry companion happy and worm-free.

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