15 Hypoallergenic Dogs Don’T Shed

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Written By swipets

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If you’re looking for a hypoallergenic dog that doesn’t shed, consider breeds like the Bichon Frise, Yorkshire Terrier, Maltese, and Poodle. Small to medium-sized dogs make great family pets and won’t trigger allergies with their non-shedding coats.

In addition, larger hypoallergenic dogs like the Portuguese Water Dog and Giant Schnauzer are also suitable options. With minimal shedding and hypoallergenic qualities, these dogs are perfect for individuals or families with allergies.

15 Hypoallergenic Dogs Don’T Shed

Small Hypoallergenic Dogs

Small hypoallergenic dogs are a great choice for individuals with allergies who are looking for a furry companion. These dogs not only have low-shedding coats that won’t trigger allergies, but they are also adorable and make wonderful family pets. Below, we’ve highlighted some small hypoallergenic dog breeds that you might consider welcoming into your home.


The Maltese is a small hypoallergenic dog known for its long, silky white coat. Despite their luxurious fur, Maltese dogs shed very little, making them a perfect choice for individuals with allergies. These dogs are intelligent, affectionate, and easy to train, making them great companions for both individuals and families.

Soft-coated Wheaten Terrier

The Soft-coated Wheaten Terrier is a small hypoallergenic dog breed that is known for its soft and silky coat. These dogs shed very little, making them suitable for allergy sufferers. Wheatens are friendly, energetic, and intelligent, and they are great for individuals or families who enjoy an active lifestyle.


The Basenji is a small hypoallergenic dog breed known as the “barkless dog.” These dogs have a short, easy-to-maintain coat that sheds very little, making them a great choice for individuals with allergies. Basenjis are intelligent, independent, and make great companions for individuals who prefer a quieter dog.


The Havanese is a small hypoallergenic dog breed that is known for its long, silky coat. Despite their luxurious fur, Havanese dogs shed very little, making them a great choice for allergy sufferers. These dogs are friendly, affectionate, and love to be the center of attention, making them perfect family pets.

Bichon Frisé

The Bichon Frisé is a small hypoallergenic dog breed with a dense, curly coat that doesn’t shed. These dogs are often recommended for individuals with allergies due to their minimal shedding. Bichon Frisés are friendly, playful, and easy to train, making them great companions for individuals or families.

15 Hypoallergenic Dogs Don’T Shed

Large Hypoallergenic Dogs

Discover a list of 15 large hypoallergenic dogs that don’t shed, making them perfect family pets. From the lovable Giant Schnauzer to the elegant Afghan Hound, these breeds are hypoallergenic and easy to train.

Shed: Don’t Don’t Don’t Don’t Don’t



The Poodle is one of the most famous sizeable hypoallergenic dog breeds. Their curly and dense coat doesn’t shed much, making them ideal for people with allergies. Poodles are highly intelligent, trainable, and have a friendly nature. They are also known for their agility and versatility, excelling in various activities such as obedience, hunting, and even therapy work.

Portuguese Water Dog

The Portuguese Water Dog is another large hypoallergenic breed that doesn’t shed much. Their unique coat resembles human hair and requires regular grooming to avoid matting. These dogs are known for their swimming abilities and were historically used by Portuguese fishermen to retrieve nets and deliver messages between boats. Today, they make excellent family pets and are known for their loyalty and affectionate nature.

Irish Water Spaniel

The Irish Water Spaniel is a sizeable hypoallergenic breed with a unique appearance and curly, dense, and waterproof fur. This breed is brilliantly active and requires regular exercise and mental stimulation. They are known for their excellent swimming abilities and friendly, outgoing nature. Irish Water Spaniels make great companions for active individuals or families with spacious homes.

Afghan Hound

The Afghan Hound is a large, hypoallergenic breed with a luxurious coat that doesn’t shed much. Their silky and flowing hair requires regular grooming and maintenance. Afghan hounds are known for their elegance, grace, and regal appearance. They have a calm and aloof nature and can be pretty independent. Despite their independence, they form strong bonds with their owners and make loyal companions.

Giant Schnauzer

The Giant Schnauzer is a sizeable hypoallergenic breed with a dense, wiry, and non-shedding coat. They are known for their intelligence, loyalty, and protective instincts. Giant Schnauzers require regular exercise and mental stimulation to stay happy and healthy. They make excellent guard dogs and are suitable for various dog sports, such as agility and obedience.

Airedale Terrier

The Airedale Terrier is a sizeable hypoallergenic breed with a wiry and non-shedding coat. They are often called the “King of Terriers” due to their size, intelligence, and versatility. Airedale Terriers are known for their confident, strong-willed, and energetic nature. They require regular exercise and mental stimulation to prevent boredom. These dogs excel in various activities, such as hunting, tracking, and obedience.


15 Hypoallergenic Dogs Don’T Shed

Frequently Asked Questions On 15 Hypoallergenic Dogs That Don’t Shed

What Dog Doesn’t Shed Hypoallergenic?

Bichon Frise, Miniature Schnauzer, Poodle, Yorkshire Terrier, and Portuguese Water Dog are hypoallergenic dogs that don’t shed.

What Is the #1 Hypoallergenic Dog?

The #1 hypoallergenic dog breed is the poodle. Poodles don’t shed and are available in various sizes.

What’s the Biggest Non-Shedding Dog?

The biggest non-shedding dog breeds include the Giant Schnauzer, Afghan Hound, Barbet, Xoloitzcuintli, Black Russian Terrier, Belgian Malinois, Airedale Terrier, and Poodle. These dogs are hypoallergenic and make great family pets.

What Is the Easiest Hypoallergenic Dog To Train?

The Bichon Frise is the easiest hypoallergenic dog to train. This social and independent breed is easy to handle and has a hypoallergenic coat that requires low maintenance. Regular brushing and attention are all it needs to thrive as a loyal and affectionate pet.


These hypoallergenic dogs that don’t shed are not only perfect for allergy sufferers, but they also make fantastic family pets. There is a hypoallergenic dog for everyone, from small breeds like Bichons and Yorkies to medium-sized Poodles and Portuguese Water Dogs to larger pups like the Giant Schnauzer.

Say goodbye to allergy symptoms and hello to a loving, furry companion with these fantastic, non-shedding dogs. Trust me, you won’t regret it!

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