20 Things Only Shih Tzu Dog Owners Understand

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Written By swipets

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Things Only Shih Tzu Dog Owners Understand: Shih Tzus have begging eyes, are excellent lap dogs, have a small body with a big bark, need constant affection, have a high demand for grooming, can be lifelong companions, sleep in weird positions, are full of energy, and are explorers. They dislike having their feet touched, being dressed up in costumes, taking baths, being chased, strong smells, having their leash yanked, inconsistent discipline, being forced, and being stared at.

Shih Tzus are known for their perky and happy temperaments, making them great companions for people of all ages and other animals. They are gentle and charming, making them popular options for apartment living as they don’t require much exercise outdoors.

Shih Tzus love cuddling and being close to their owners, and they enjoy indoor playtime to release excess energy. These dogs are trusting and love children, but they do have energy to burn, so daily walks and indoor play sessions are necessary. While they have their own unique quirks and preferences, Shih Tzu owners understand and appreciate their lovable breed’s specific needs and behaviors.

20 Things Only Shih Tzu Dog Owners Understand

Credit: www.amazon.com

Understanding The Shih Tzu Breed

Shih Tzu owners truly understand the unique quirks and preferences of this breed. From their love for cuddling and indoor playtime to their aversion to strong smells and being dressed up, Shih Tzu dogs have a charm that only their owners can appreciate.

Temperament And Socialability

Shih Tzus are renowned for their perky, happy temperaments. They are lively and friendly, getting along well with people of all ages and other pets of different species. Rarely will you find a snippy Shih Tzu, as most are very sweet. Their cuddly nature often leads to them being referred to as lap dogs, as they love nothing more than snuggling up with their owners. They are affectionate and social dogs who crave attention and love to be petted and cuddled. Due to their royal ancestry of living in palaces, they are easily trusting of most people and love children. They are quite content being inside most of the day, but they do have energy to burn, so playing indoors along with daily walks will keep them healthy and happy.

Favorite Activities And Traits

Shih Tzus are gentle and charming, making them great companions. They do well living in apartments and do not require much exercise outdoors other than short walks. They love cuddling and being close to their humans, but they also enjoy keeping busy with indoor playtime to release excess energy. Shih Tzus have a small body with a big, loud bark, making them excellent watchdogs. Their alertness and loyalty to their owners contribute to their reputation as being excellent lap dogs and life-long companions.

Care And Exercise Requirements

While Shih Tzus don’t require extensive exercise, they do have specific care and grooming needs. Their luxurious coats require regular brushing and professional grooming to prevent matting and keep them looking their best. Additionally, Shih Tzus need constant affection and attention from their owners. They thrive on human interaction and being an integral part of their family’s daily activities. Shih Tzus are explorers by nature and enjoy discovering their surroundings, so providing them with mental stimulation and occasional outdoor adventures will help keep them happy and content.


20 Things Only Shih Tzu Dog Owners Understand

Credit: www.rover.com

Things Shih Tzu Dogs Love

Shih Tzu dogs love cuddling, being close to their owners, and indoor playtime to release excess energy. They enjoy short walks and make great companions, especially for apartment living.

Affection And Cuddling

One thing that Shih Tzu dogs absolutely adore is affection and cuddling. These adorable pups have a natural inclination for snuggling up with their owners, earning them the nickname “lap dogs.” Whether it’s lounging on the couch or cuddling up in bed, Shih Tzus love nothing more than being close and feeling the warmth of their humans. Their small size and fluffy coats make them perfect cuddle buddies, and they will happily curl up in your lap for hours on end.

Attention And Petting

Another thing that Shih Tzu dogs thrive on is attention and petting. These little companions crave companionship and love to be showered with affection. They will follow you from room to room, wagging their tails and eagerly seeking attention. Shih Tzus are known for their affectionate nature and will gladly accept all the pets, scratches, and belly rubs you can give them. Their happy demeanor and wagging tails are sure to brighten your day, and their love for attention is truly heartwarming.

Indoor Playtime

While Shih Tzus may not require much exercise outdoors, they absolutely love indoor playtime. These playful little dogs have an abundance of energy that needs to be released, and indoor play sessions offer the perfect opportunity for them to burn it off. Whether it’s chasing a favorite toy, playing hide-and-seek, or engaging in a game of fetch in the living room, Shih Tzus love to keep busy and active indoors. So, make sure to have plenty of toys and interactive games to keep your furry friend entertained and happy.

Things Shih Tzu Dogs Dislike

Shih Tzu dogs have their own preferences, and there are certain things they dislike. These include having their feet touched, being dressed up in costumes, taking baths, being chased, strong smells, having their leash yanked, inconsistent discipline, being forced, and being stared at.

When it comes to our adorable Shih Tzu dogs, there are certain things that they simply do not enjoy. As attentive and loving owners, it is important for us to understand these dislikes and ensure that our furry friends are not subjected to unnecessary discomfort. Here are some common things that Shih Tzu dogs tend to dislike.

Touching Feet

One thing that Shih Tzu dogs are not particularly fond of is having their feet touched. While grooming is an essential part of their care routine, when it comes to their feet, many Shih Tzu dogs become sensitive and uneasy. They may squirm or pull their feet away, making nail trimming and paw cleaning a challenging task. It is important to approach this matter with patience and gentleness to ensure a positive grooming experience for your Shih Tzu.

Dressing Up In Costumes

Shih Tzu dogs have luxurious coats and are naturally beautiful creatures. They may not appreciate being dressed up in costumes, no matter how adorable they may look to us. While some Shih Tzu may tolerate wearing clothes for short periods, it is important to respect their comfort level and never force them into outfits. Instead, focus on keeping them warm and comfortable during colder weather with cozy, pet-friendly options.

Taking Baths

Although grooming is necessary for maintaining their long, silky fur, many Shih Tzu dogs are not thrilled about taking baths. They may resist being placed in water or become anxious during the process. It is essential to make bath time a positive and soothing experience for your Shih Tzu by using gentle shampoos, warm water, and providing plenty of praise and reassurance.

Being Chased

Shih Tzu dogs have a friendly and sociable nature, but being chased by children or other animals may trigger their prey instincts and make them uncomfortable. They prefer to be approached calmly and gently, allowing them to feel safe and secure in their environment. Avoid situations where your Shih Tzu may feel chased or cornered, as it can lead to stress and anxiety.

Strong Smells

Shih Tzu dogs have a rather sensitive sense of smell, and strong odors can be overwhelming for them. Whether it is a pungent perfume, cleaning products, or certain foods, these strong smells can cause discomfort and make them uneasy. It is important to be mindful of the scents in your environment and ensure your Shih Tzu has access to fresh air whenever possible.

Being Yanked On Leash

Shih Tzu dogs are small in size but have big personalities. When it comes to walking on a leash, they may not appreciate being yanked or pulled. This can cause discomfort and potentially harm their delicate necks. It is important to use a gentle approach and provide proper leash training to ensure that walks are an enjoyable experience for both you and your Shih Tzu.

Inconsistent Discipline

Shih Tzu dogs thrive on consistency and routine. Inconsistent discipline or constantly changing rules can confuse and stress them out. They respond well to positive reinforcement and a gentle, firm approach. It is important to establish clear boundaries and stick to them, ensuring that your Shih Tzu understands what is expected of them.

Forcing And Staring

Forcing your Shih Tzu to do something they are uncomfortable with or staring directly into their eyes can make them feel threatened and anxious. It is important to always approach your Shih Tzu with kindness and respect their personal space. This allows them to feel safe and develop trust in their human companions.

As responsible Shih Tzu owners, it is our duty to understand and respect our furry friends’ dislikes. By taking these preferences into consideration, we can create a loving and comfortable environment for our Shih Tzus, ensuring their happiness and well-being.

20 Things Only Shih Tzu Dog Owners Understand

Credit: m.youtube.com

Frequently Asked Questions On 20 Things Only Shih Tzu Dog Owners Understand

What Is Unique About Shih Tzu?

Shih Tzus are known for their perky, friendly temperaments and get along well with people of all ages and other pets. They love cuddling and being close to their owners. Shih Tzus are also content being indoors most of the day and don’t require much exercise.

What Is A Shih Tzu Favorite Thing?

Shih Tzus love cuddling, being close to their humans, and keeping busy with indoor playtime. They are gentle, charming, and affectionate dogs that make great companions.

What Does Shih Tzu Like The Most?

Shih Tzus love cuddling and being close to their owners. They enjoy attention and being petted, making them affectionate and social dogs. They are also content being inside most of the day and don’t require much outdoor exercise.

What Do I Need To Know About Owning A Shih Tzu?

When owning a Shih Tzu, know that they are trusting and great with children. They are happy being indoors most of the day but need exercise and playtime. Regular grooming is required. Shih Tzus love affection and cuddling, making them great companions.

They have a lot of energy and enjoy exploring. Avoid touching their feet, dressing them up, strong smells, and inconsistent discipline.


To sum it up, being a Shih Tzu dog owner means understanding the unique characteristics and preferences of this delightful breed. From their love of cuddling and being close to their owners, to their energetic nature and need for constant affection, Shih Tzus bring joy and companionship into our lives.

But it’s important to remember the things they don’t like, such as dressing them up in costumes or yanking their leash. By being mindful of their needs and preferences, we can ensure a happy and fulfilling life for our Shih Tzu companions.

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